The Game that changed the way we play games.
All the gadgets used in the previous installments are available in this one as well, including the Cryptographic sequencer, batarang and explosive Gel. Other than these a new gadget is also introduced, the remote claw. This gadget allows to target two objects and pull them together. This gadget can be used in a variety of ways, you can knock enemies together or hit them with objects or you can tether two walled-points together which creates a tightrope that Batman can traverse.
The Game that made a dream into reality.
The Only Game that does not allow us to use guns, yet is far better than any FPS game.
The Batman returns with another breathtaking episode, Arkham Origins.
The game's main storyline is set five years before that of 2009's Batman Arkham Asylum and follows a younger and less refined Batman who becomes the target of assassins on Christmas Eve.
The gameplay is almost similar to the previous installment of the game, Batman Arkham City.

For transportation, other than Gliding or Grappling, you can use the Batwing, Batman's plane, to transport to other areas of the game world. The Batwing is not player controlled.
The game introduces two new enemy types, the Martial-Artist, who is capable of blocking, evading and countering Batman's attacks, and the Armored Lieutenant, who is invulnerable to harm until he is dazed and de-armored. Quite dangerous, isn't it?
The game will be released on October 25, 2013.
Comment on what new gadgets you want the upcomming series to include and tell us what other unique ways you can use the new gadgets available.
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